Caesarean Birth and VBAC Information

(VBAC - Vaginal Birth After Caesarean)


We offer research-based information and support on all aspects of caesareans and vaginal birth following caesarean section.


Gina has been answering caesarean-related enquiries since the early 1990s and currently works as a volunteer for both the National Childbirth Trust and the Association for Improvements in the Maternity Services (AIMS). She is one of the joint authors of the NCT booklet 'Caesarean Birth - your questions answered' and various articles which have been published in respected journals such as the NCT's New Generation and the AIMS Journal.


Debbie has been answering caesarean-related enquiries since the late 1980s. She was a breastfeeding counsellor for the National Childbirth Trust and then a Breastfeeding Supporter for the Breastfeeding Network. She currently works as a volunteer for both the National Childbirth Trust and AIMS. She is one of the joint authors of the NCT booklet 'Caesarean Birth - your questions answered', has had articles published in respected journals such as NCT New Generation and the AIMS Journal, and has participated in various television and radio programmes. She was involved as a member of the guideline development group for the NICE Caesarean guideline that was published in 2004 and is a member of the trial steering committee for the CEASAR study.

copyright 2004

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